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August 10, 2007



Holy Batman, there's a meltdown in GC!

I'm with you on KC.


I like Favre but almost feel bad for him. I was a HUGE Dan Marino fan, and watching Favre now is like watching Marino at the end of his career. The fire was there, but the team sucked, and he made too many mistakes and threw too many interceptions. It hurt to watch.

But at least Favre won a Super Bowl, so he doesn't have that to chase, like Marino did.

Skins fan

your comments on the power ranking was extremely stupid...The good news is with the Skins defense show off for the league..that will definately shut you up


Ooooh, too bad. That was almost functionally literate. Better luck next time. Oh, and you might want to try commenting on the most recent cut I made about the Redskins' coaching staff, rather than the one I made a month ago.


now,now,kids. the redskins are a very nice team and I'm sure they will all play really, really well.

NFL Picks

Keep it Up! Lets get some power rankings this season too!

naked celebs

literate. Better luck next time. Oh, and you might want to try commenting on the most recent cut I

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