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December 06, 2007



I have a question, why do you have this website where you post your NFL picks? Is it to show the world how skilled you are, or is it to help out your viewers make picks for their office pools? I ask because you post your picks the sunday morning half the time and that doesn't do anything for anyone except yourself. On weeks with a thursday night game my picks are due wed by 5. On regular weeks they are due thursday by 5.

Honestly? Since my winning percentage this year has been so low, my traffic has been so down that I've stopped pushing myself to get the picks up early. Last year I was hot and had regular readers; this year I'm just mediocre and you're the first regular person to comment in months.

So truth be told, I've been treating this more like an experiment in prediction this year. In the early months I got the picks up on Wednesdays, but when I slipped up and missed one, nobody complained. I just kinda figured nobody was reading because my winning percentage was below .700.

And yeah, when I'm good, I'm happy to "show the world how skilled I am." But I haven't been that good, and I've shown that too.

Jeremy Fluke

or alternatively you can get free bets here http://freebetbookmaker.com

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