Molly Ivins scolds the MSM on the Downing Street Memo today, but the real beauty moment comes when she takes NYT columnist Tom Friedman out behind the woodshed and whups his behind for writing that liberals don't want to talk about the war because they were against it from the beginning and hope it ends in disaster.
This tired notion -- that being opposed to the war somehow diminishes one's credibility, patriotism and (heaven help us) "Americanism" -- is in desperate need of retirement. As usual, Ivins rises to the occasion.
Jesus God Almighty, who does he think we are? Does this man who has a column for The New York Times, one of the most prestigious jobs in American journalism, actually think we are out here cheering every time another American is killed? Mr. Friedman, real, actual, honest-to-God American liberals are out here in the heartland and we know the kids who are dying in Iraq. They are from our hometowns. We know their parents. That’s why we hate this war. That’s why we tried to tell everybody else it was a ghastly idea. We are not sitting here gloating because it is the horrible FUBAR we said it would be. We are in agony because it is as bad as we said it would be. Cassandra took no joy in the fall of Troy. I have said from the beginning that if this thing worked out the way Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and Cheney all said it would, I would be perfectly happy to get down on my knees and kiss George Bush’s feet. I do literally mean that.
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