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Sunday, September 18, 2005


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I'm in a great college town now -- Charlottesville, VA -- working on a travel story. Don't know if it would help, but I have degrees from UNC (undergrad) and Emory (master). Also, I think colleges, in general, are really cool.

best of luck to you and your daughter.

Janet Edens

We don't become obsolete, we just change our role. And, if we're good parents, we've been doing that all along. We stop feeding them but keep paying for the food. We don't pick them up from everywhere they go, but they still come home. We can't shield them so much anymore, but we still help them cope.

All along the way the all-powerful mother(and father)devolves into a human being, who makes mistakes and wrong choices and has flaws just like anyone else. It doesn't take as long as you might hope for your kids to figure out that you aren't perfect. But they can still believe you are the perfect mom for them.

And that can last forever.


At what point do they start taking us out to dinner? That's what I'm waiting for. I won't mind being obsolete so much when they're picking up the checks.

Jean McGreggor

Well I have told he she's my retirement plan but I didn't really mean it.(much)

Janet Edens

Dinner?! I'm expecting my kids to buy me a house. And they need to get on the stick. They are almost too old to be the next Hanson ...

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