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Wednesday, January 11, 2006


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A Christian theme-park? As in Jesusworld with a trademarked halo and a "Scare the Hell out of you" roller coaster?

Man, that's just too funny for words. Looking at strokes as God's devine retribution I'd have to hold up Mr. Robinson continued existence as proof that God absolutely *adores* irony.

My response to Israel pulling out of the deal: good for you!

The Commish

I covet a copy of your Powerpoint, big guy.


dewey: when we interviewed Earl Owensby back in 1993, he had plans to do a "passion of the christ" sen-surround theater, complete with earthquake shocks in your seat and a drop of warm water falling onto your forehead as a drop of blood drops off of jesus' brow. the whole theater was going to rotate from scene to scene. he had plans to put them in myrtle beach and branson, but you know how it is with investors...

and of course Jim Bakker did a Jesusland and called it "Heritage USA," which was always creepy to me, since the heritage in question is semitic and located in the middle east...

Commish: I sent you the powerpoint, but it was absolutely nothing of use to you. this was WebTrends for Dummies.

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