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« Interviewing Thomas Ricks | Main | Isn't this just democracy? »

Thursday, August 10, 2006


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Janet Edens

For shame, Joe. Even "a whacko, neo-con conspiracy theorist" such as myself can see the ego and selfishness in this.

what happened to the idea of the citizen-servant, who did his/her time in the government and then went home? incumbency perks are high on the list of things that have all but ruined our political process.

underneath professional lobbyists, but high on the list.


As I was watching the returns the other night, I literally prayed that Leiberman would listen to the voice of his chosen (and he did ask to be considered by the Democratic party) party electorate. Alas, I felt crushed and defeated when yet another politician whom I hoped had better sense (listen up, Ralph Nader) chased after ego needs than the concerns of party and nation. A move like this kinda clouds up the entire 18 years of service.

Sigh. And sigh again.

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