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Thursday, August 03, 2006


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I agree with your best bud, Samuel L. - the Snakes on a Plane premiere should be a must-attend event. How much fun would that be??


Next time you guys talk, tell Sam his beer's the best. I got so drunk last time I broke the battle over a Kitler's noggin and started chanting "USA! USA!"

... Or not.


Wait, I had a thought. Do you think they'd like some snakes from my yard for the premiere? I wouldn't mind loaning a few out.


I wonder if we could live-blog the premiere?


You know, I've never thought about going to a movie premiere...but live-blogging Snakes on a Plane would be too fun to turn down!

Dawn Adams

Before there were Snakes on a Plane, there were Scorpions on a Plane! Think about it! Harder to see than Goliath sized snakes, Scorpions can sneak up on you and strike before you squash them.

Oh wait! I forgot, they were mutant Scorpions the size of basketballs!

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