One of the most interesting trends I've seen in our local blogosphere has been a small but steady stream of bloggers who've come out in opposition to South Carolina's Marriage Amendment, a gay-baiting measure on the Nov. 7 ballot. I've yet to read a defense of the amendment.
So good for our local bloggers, and count me too. Running against gay people who are only asking for the same rights the rest of enjoy is just bad karma. I suppose this horrible thing will pass, thrusting us deeper into our post-ante-bellum funk, but I'm beginning to see that a lot of people around here truly oppose it. And that does my weary heart some measure of good.
--Dan Conover
The dumb ammendment also has an impact on hetro couples who choose to live together with out getting married.It's made a great talking point and I've gotten a few people stired up with it. If you haven't yet, go to
Posted by: Jean McGreggor | Friday, October 27, 2006 at 16:30
Yea! More No votes~! We've got over 250 listed at the Zoloft/Effexor houshold.
Now if everyone who's going to vote no could get 5 more people to vote no.
Fingers crossed.
Posted by: Uncle Zoloft | Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 08:18
dumb doesn't begin to cover it. Jean is right. While same-sex couples are the apparent target, the wording of the amendment will have ramifications for couples who do not want get married, can't get married or haven't yet gotten married. Further, it refuses to recognize such unions from other states. Shades of seccession! This is just plain unAmerican.
Government doesn't belong in relationships between consenting adults. Why do these people hate freedom?
Posted by: Janet Edens | Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 09:58
I'm with ya. No worries there.
Posted by: Joan | Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 19:21
No, for reasons explained at
Posted by: Agricola | Sunday, October 29, 2006 at 12:52
NO, NO, NO, vote no on Amendment ONE!!!!
Why can't the government stay out of our bedrooms and our wombs?!
Posted by: Rose Paul | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 19:31
Wisconsin is voting on one of these damn amendments as well. And, just as Xarker reported, I've seen zero campaigning in favor of the amendment. I fear they're hoping ignorance will pass the amendment, that people will fear that Wisconsin will be overrun by crazy, immoral, liberal homosexuals if they don't pass this amendment.
The only TV campaign against it that I've seen seems to be addressing these fears. It's entire point is that voting "no" is a vote for no change: gay marriage /still/ won't be recognised and gay couples will get no special treatment.
Posted by: Nightwind | Monday, October 30, 2006 at 19:52