XARK 3.0

  • Xark began as a group blog in June 2005 but continues today as founder Dan Conover's primary blog-home. Posts by longtime Xark authors Janet Edens and John Sloop may also appear alongside Dan's here from time to time, depending on whatever.

Xark media

  • ALIENS! SEX! MORE ALIENS! AND DUBYA, TOO! Handcrafted, xarky science fiction, lovingly typeset for your home printer!



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Member since 06/2005

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Friday, December 15, 2006


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What Motivates People to Participate in Online Communities?

Mainly, the internal motivation model would seem to be good news for organizations seeking to build online communities. Simply provide lots of opportunities for users to solve problems, express themselves, interact, and be publicly organized. Appeal to their vanity, their ambition, and their desire to be part of a group. Don’t even pay people — just feed their addiction!

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