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Wednesday, December 06, 2006


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Ha! That logo is perfect.

I happen to have a tiara, I do.


I have a 'birthday girl' tiara, but can't find it. Damn.


International Princess Day was a total success in my math classrooms on Friday! I put a small message on the board Thursday, and then completely forgot to bring my own tiara to school on Friday. Alas, I felt bereft! And several students in my first period class said, "Ms. Adams, where is your tiara?" They were sporting their own, and were definitely upset that I had done that adult thing of forgetting. They promptly found some construction paper and made me a "Math Princess" tiara, with hand colored stones of great size and proportion. Paper tiara's became the fashion of the day as the word spread, and tiara's could be seen all over school in every shape and color. Next year, maybe I'll remember to bring my borrowed tiara from Hannah. Or maybe, I'll just make another paper one. Thanks for keeping me up to date on the important date!

Janet Edens

awesome! dawn gest the prize so far for most participants.

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