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Friday, August 10, 2007


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Dan, I'm thrilled for you. Not only is this a great idea, but the thing just looks good. Excellent.

One question: Do we have to go over there to tell you what an idiot you are, or can we still tell you that you're an idiot over here?

Janet Edens

Clarification: Call Dan an idiot where ever you like. However, I am very sensitive, being a girl, and will cry if you hurt my feelings. I plan to say only nice things about the NFL players (who try SO hard to do well) whether or not they are on my fabulous team (with its ADORABLE logo). Further, I will never trash other players in my league, take joy in others' failures, make fun of losers or try to get fellow players to do stupid things so I can beat them.

Because girls are nice like that.


I'm so ready for the NFL!!!

I'm getting the Crafters Fantasy League (the best niche league on the web)together this weekend.

Are we having a Lowcountry Bloggers' League this season?


Do you really think the Giants will be that bad?


Janet, that was hilarious.


Thank you so much, Dewey! More tea?

Pete form PA

Great article and that's cool your committed to the football topics. I mostly agree with your power rankings but I don't see the Bears getting past the first round of the playoffs.

Speaking of the playoffs and the Super Bowl, I thought I'd share a game I play - Last 2 Left. It's really simple where you have to predict who reaches the Super Bowl. Check it out as you can still play. http://www.last2left.com

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