Many of you may remember how our 2006 experiment in regular coverage of the NFL came to dominate much of this blog last fall. What most people don't know is just how popular those posts became, routinely doubling and tripling our normal daily traffic. And with my office pool picks spending most of the season above the .700 winning percentage threshold (I finished at .677), we developed a regular following of readers who profitably bet our picks every week.
Which brought Janet and I to an interesting conversation: Yes, it's nice to get that kind of attention, but is it good for Xark to lean so heavily toward NFL content? This blog is intended to be about many things, not just a few, and I began to think that chasing NFL readers was harming the identity of the site.
So last year we began quietly reviving an unpublicized blog experiment we'd called Fantasy Mashup, and this summer we really dove into generating new copy. The result:, a site devoted to fantasy football and NFL coverage.
You'll notice something different: Google ads, plus a display ad pointing people towards our CafePress store where we're marketing T-shirts for fantasy football players. Xark takes no advertising of any kind, but our hope is that the traffic we generate on FFBMashup will eventually cover the various costs associated with our multiple Web ventures.
So rather than posting weekly office-pool picks and power rankings on Xark, I'll be using this blog to help steer people to the full articles on FFBMashup. For instance, you can read my first 2007 Power Ranking today. The Top 5:
1. San Diego Chargers
2. New England Patriots
3. Chicago Bears
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Carolina Panthers
Think that's wrong? Look at my bottom five:
28. Miami Dolphins
29. New York Giants
30. Oakland Raiders
31. Kansas City Chiefs
32. Atlanta Falcons
You're all invited to drop by and tell me what an idiot I am. While you're at it, check out the materials we've been building up to help you prepare for your fantasy drafts this month.
A special note for all you Packer fans: I'm not hating on Brett Favre just because I'm a Bears fan. But, yes, I am hating on him.
Dan, I'm thrilled for you. Not only is this a great idea, but the thing just looks good. Excellent.
One question: Do we have to go over there to tell you what an idiot you are, or can we still tell you that you're an idiot over here?
Posted by: jmsloop | Friday, August 10, 2007 at 13:23
Clarification: Call Dan an idiot where ever you like. However, I am very sensitive, being a girl, and will cry if you hurt my feelings. I plan to say only nice things about the NFL players (who try SO hard to do well) whether or not they are on my fabulous team (with its ADORABLE logo). Further, I will never trash other players in my league, take joy in others' failures, make fun of losers or try to get fellow players to do stupid things so I can beat them.
Because girls are nice like that.
Posted by: Janet Edens | Friday, August 10, 2007 at 14:08
I'm so ready for the NFL!!!
I'm getting the Crafters Fantasy League (the best niche league on the web)together this weekend.
Are we having a Lowcountry Bloggers' League this season?
Posted by: Vera | Friday, August 10, 2007 at 14:46
Do you really think the Giants will be that bad?
Posted by: Vera | Friday, August 10, 2007 at 14:47
Janet, that was hilarious.
Posted by: DeweyS | Sunday, August 12, 2007 at 12:09
Thank you so much, Dewey! More tea?
Posted by: Janet | Monday, August 13, 2007 at 18:27
Great article and that's cool your committed to the football topics. I mostly agree with your power rankings but I don't see the Bears getting past the first round of the playoffs.
Speaking of the playoffs and the Super Bowl, I thought I'd share a game I play - Last 2 Left. It's really simple where you have to predict who reaches the Super Bowl. Check it out as you can still play.
Posted by: Pete form PA | Sunday, September 09, 2007 at 22:29