Boing Boing put up this link earlier today and it's already showing up in my Stumbles: The Top 10 Most viewed pages on Wikipedia and Conservapedia.
Nothing really all that surprising about the Wikipedia entries. But the Conservapedia traffic says something that's really nothing short of amazing -- if it's true. Nine of the conservative encyclopedia's top 10 pages are basically variations on the same subject, which I suppose makes my bullshit meter pulse just a bit. Could it be part of a clever hack by somebody trying to make a point?
You'd think that fundamentalist homeschool parents looking for lesson plans on Intelligent Design would at least show up somewhere in the rankings.
Speaking of which, here's what the site lists as its popular articles. You don't need suggestions of gay obsession to make this bunch look disconnected from reality (And for the record: I know plenty of conservatives, but I don't know ANYBODY who reads this site).
Popular Articles at Conservapedia
Never underestimate how much of the population wants nothing more than simple-minded reassurances that what they already believe is right.
Posted by: jaz | Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 07:58
Conservapedia, Homosexuality, and pranked statistics
How to Report StatisticsData Analysis
Posted by: Tim | Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 11:24