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Tuesday, February 05, 2008


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I have to admit to some private ambivalence about the writer's strike. I think the WGA is doing the right thing, I think they're justified and I hope they "win." But I also think the WGA is one of those "pull up the ladders" groups that is as much about protecting the membership from competition from emerging writers as it is about getting good contracts from producers.

But anyway: Is this blessing going to turn into a curse some months from now? Will there be a dead patch because none of these shows you like can get new scripts finished fast enough to get back into production in time to put new episodes out on schedule?


I've been worrying about that as well, especially for the new series. While old favorites will probably be able to come back in full force, will they give something like Journeyman a second chance, or will they fill the slot something new?


Looks like the strike is over and it's a win for labor. I haven't looked at the terms yet, so I can't vouch for that. Break out the Moonlight!

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