From the Brunch of the Living Dead Cast and Crew Facebook group:
If you'd like one of these jobs, send me an e-mail. In most cases I'll take the first volunteer and post the name in comments. There's no pay, but you'll be listed by title in the video credits. You'll also be eligible to get a T-Shirt with your crew title across the back (how we'll pay for those T-Shirts depends on how much money we can raise).
Crew members may also appear on camera, but need to put first priority on doing these jobs.
1. Assistant Zombie Wrangler (the Lead Zombie Wrangler can't make it Sunday). Responsibilities: Make sure unruly zombies stay on schedule, go where they're supposed to go, don't eat the director's brains, etc. Quality control on make-up, costume, props. Take direction from the director (duh) and the LZW.
2. Costume Director. You will decide whether the clothes our zombies bring to the shoot are zombie-ish enough. The costume director will be responsible for altering (tearing, smudging, scorching, etc.) all costumes. The director will trust in your artistic vision of appropriate zombie fashion. You will need to make it to all shoots, or appoint a deputy to act in your sted.
3. Assistant Makeup Director. We have a makeup director with actual zombie makeup experience, but it's not clear whether he's going to be able to make it to all the shoots yet (cause he works in the kitchen at Moe's), so the assistant makeup director should be someone who can step into the lead makeup role if needed. Responsibilities include helping zombies do each other's makeup (all zombies will be required to do makeup on other zombies); advising on gashes, wounds and skin tone; quality control and touch-up, as needed.
4. Security. Your primary job will be to keep my neighbors from wandering through the shot or panhandling the zombies. We'll have printouts you can hand to anyone who wants to know what the hell we're doing.
5. Script supervisor. Make sure that everyone who needs a script has a script. Make sure that any changes to the script are reflected in all copies.
6. Assistant "Making Of" Documentary Director(s). Janet is in charge of the "documentary"extras, but this is largely in flux and she can certainly use some extra help and collaboration. Apply with an e-mail to Janet.
7. Zombie Cruise Director. This person will act as host/hostess during those moments when Janet and I are too bogged down by filming to really make sure that everyone is having a good time. Yes, it's a film, but it's also supposed to be fun.
8. Propmaster. You'll be in charge of all props, but most importantly, we'll be asking you to help us figure out answers to questions like: What can we serve the zombies for brunch that will LOOK absolutely disgusting, but not taste bad to the actors? Needs to be a creative problem-solver.
There may be some additional jobs as we go, but we'll probably sort those out after we shoot on Sunday.