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Thursday, December 04, 2008


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Ken Kennedy

DAMN good post, Dan. Thanks.

Brian B


B.J. Smith

Pipio, ergo cogito sum.

Danu Poyner

Sheer bliss. Thankyou so much - this post has made my day :) Thanks also to @jayrosen_nyu for making me aware of it - on Twitter, naturally.

Tom Torok

good post.

One thing to note is that the beginnings of all this goes back to online dial-up bulletin boards in the early 1980's. The difference is that the content and usage is evolving and becoming pervasive among non-technical users, and that's good!


Think thats bad? How bout the NYT discovering links in November. Yep fucking *links* http://bit.ly/13UpJ


Where is the "Like" button? Or can I retweet this?

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