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  • Xark began as a group blog in June 2005 but continues today as founder Dan Conover's primary blog-home. Posts by longtime Xark authors Janet Edens and John Sloop may also appear alongside Dan's here from time to time, depending on whatever.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


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Geo Perdis

Hey Dan:

Just a note to let you know that I've taken what you and your colleagues have come up with here and used it as a springboard to try something similar in Toronto, Canada. The project is called yyzhash and more info can be found at yyzhash.pbwiki.com.

One additional idea we're toying with is the use of FSAs (Forward Sortation Codes, the first three letters of our postal codes, formated as A1A 1A1) to try tagging neighborhood level news on Twitter. So a YYZNEWS tag could be replaced or supplemented by a M5ENEWS tag if the news is in my neighborhood.

I'll keep you posted on how things go.

Best and thanks for the inspiration.


robert donovan

#CHSARTS for arty type goodness.

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