XARK 3.0

  • Xark began as a group blog in June 2005 but continues today as founder Dan Conover's primary blog-home. Posts by longtime Xark authors Janet Edens and John Sloop may also appear alongside Dan's here from time to time, depending on whatever.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


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Dan is being modest (i want to say "unusually", but actually he is quite good at being modest)

Dan (&Janet) were some of the first people I met in Charleston when I arrived in May 2006, and they will dearly be some of the people that I will genuinely miss when I leave in two weeks.

Dan didn't just "help" me get a job at the P&C. He practically TOLD me them to give me a job (they were considering a management style position at one stage!), and basically put money in my bank account, gave me something to do in the day and (at the time) saved my marriage for another year (it then died anyway, but that's another story...)

Dan's best quote to me at the time in 2007 was that we were in a "Golden Age" of video for the web at the paper .. and it was true, we were allowed to play and find things out what worked, and what didn't and it was during that time that I did indeed discover my style. not hard actually.. i just watched a lot of TV and other Video, decided what I liked that other people had done, and then tried to do it myself.

I have learnt a lot here (including video production!) in the three+ years that it's been, and it is sad to leave. however, i see it as moving on and progressing - not leaving and progressing.

maybe I can come back to next years's CHS barcamp, and do a session on "how to make cool videos", lol.

thanks to you too, Dan. :)

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