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« BarCamp Charleston: Geoff's video | Main | Stewart nails the White House "War on Fox" »

Thursday, October 29, 2009


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Awesome awesome awesome - you called it outloud and it's happening everywhere in Charleston. People are starting to realize their power to create, invent, get the word out, collaborate, and push forward hard and happily - without the 'old' structure set in place. I love the Old Charleston - it's one of the things that lured me here in the first place. But there's no reason to let its rules, regulations and recipes stop us in our tracks. The more we forge out on our own, together, the better we can create OUR Charleston - old, new, eccentric, geeky, snobby, beautiful, lush, chic. It's up to all of us. What do we want her to be??

Caroline Nuttall

This is exactly what I am trying to celebrate and bring attention to through CHARLIE (www.readcharlie.com). The history and beauty of the city is great, but it's not what keeps us relevant. It's those people you mentioned in your post - the artists, chefs, new business owners, young folks banding together for a cause - that moves the city forward. These people need to be supported so they thrive and encourage others once they see that there is acceptence of the new. Please know this is my absolute intention with CHARLIE. Let us know how we can help support growth of "new" Charleston!


You've got it.

I heard a story once about a herd of sheep that used to get on their bellies to wiggle under a fence to get to a stream. Farmer took down the fence, but the herd would still get to that spot, drop to their bellies and shimmy, then walk the rest of the way to the water.

Punch line is, the herd kept doing it for generations of sheep.

I hear people talking about the "powers that be," and I understand that being on the wrong side of the local aristocracy can make some things difficult. But I just want to tell people "THERE IS NO FENCE."

The other thing I've noticed? Even natives from old families are suffering under this Old Charleston culture. It's not even serving the people who, by seniority and contributions, should get some special consideration.

Kathleen Donnelly

Good stuff Dan. I can definitely see the revolution starting to take hold. It's got momentum and enthusiasm and promises to make Charleston an even better place to live.


I almost cried when I read this! I am glad to see such positive reinforcement of deserving people who are tired of being told the same old same old "Charleston is just Charleston." Thankfully there are enough smart, creative, and passionate people that there really is an innovative community springing up and thriving out of these old southern cobblestone streets. There are just too many of us doing too many great things around here to be ignored or held back by "the fence" any longer. This is a very realistic goal for Charleston, (Or shall I say, "New" Charleston?) that must succeed!


You know I'm leaving because I can't stand "Old Charleston", don't you?

I'm kidding ...

... mostly.

Peter Lucash

I' ve been wrestling with the idea of leaving, but am coming to terms with finding a way to live here but build something for a life and a business. Dan, you put it very well - the old boys don't matter. I'm fortunate in that my work is everywhere but here, and would like to do more here.

Great piece!

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