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Wednesday, March 24, 2010


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Carrie Brown-Smith

Thanks for the post. I'm a professor at the University of Memphis, and some colleagues and I are working on a study to explore exactly what you are talking about here - how blogging has evolved in the age of Twitter and how these two platforms are used to fulfill similar or different needs by their users.I love the stock/flow analogy and I think you are definitely onto something.

By the way, our survey link is here, it takes about 5 minutes and is for those who blog and Tweet, if anybody would like to participate:


Peter Flaschner

Wonderfully put. I think Sloan's concept of flow and stock are dead on. While we were busy looking at Twitter et al, blogs morphed from flow to stock. Amazing how much the world has changed in just a few years.


Too Long... Did Not Read!

Kidding. I'm not sure where Blogs go from here (becaues the established ones ARE still working.. but for how long?), but it's always a joy to come on here and read a smart, intelligent post.


The collective you didn't win; you gained the upper hand in a struggle that will continue for many years, unfortunately. And there is still a need, in this community, for stock and flow, and discussion, and debate. 140 doesn't cover it.


I still say we won, in the collective sense, but of course no political victory is ever final (one hopes). Nevertheless, I think it's true that much of the urgency that I felt departed me once I no longer believed the country was in an immediate political crisis (that feeling has now switched sides).

Thanks for the comments, y'all, and for the link to the survey.

cube inada

the web has been primarily fodder for the flow for over a decade now. Search and Rss feeds only speak to each other. Comments on typepad blogs arent human content, but now loaded with re twittered notices of nothing more than notices of a blogs notice.

within a year or two you might as well just "greek" text daily and attach a google adword link.

Most online info has been in loop repeat mode for 15 years.

Blake Snow

I don't think Republican or Democrat ideologies had anything to do with the changing relevance of blogs (i.e. we live in a global economy), but the flow/stock idea is spot on.


Well, the political reference was really more about the specific history of this particular blog, but your point is well taken.


Twitter's appeal is that it happens quickly, hence the rise of "flow," but with real-time technologies like PubSubHubbub and rssCloud, I think stock will even the score. For example, I was pinged via IM the moment you posted this, Dan -- I'm finding really high value in subscribing to select blogs this way. Also, be sure to watch the ActivityStreams work -- this stuff, more than anything, plans to bring all sorts of content that the Twitter era seemed to deemphasize back into the forefront, more manageably than ever before. Will be interesting to see how things change in the next year or two...


That above comment, in case the pic doesn't come through, was me. TypePad needs to fix their Facebook implementation ASAP.


The concept of 'flow' and 'stock' - boy, that sure captures it. Nice to have the words to describe the experiences.

Christie Nicholson

Hi Dan...Thought you and your readers might be interested in this Globe&Mail article, "Information Rich and Attention Poor" published last fall. http://bit.ly/3oJXjn

Full disclosure: it's an excerpt from a speech my father, Peter Nicholson, gave to the Fiesole Retreat in Glasgow, Scotland, July '09.

Last summer as he was preparing this speech on innovation in information and it's impact on our future, he discussed with me the idea of explaining knowledge in the economic terms of "stock" and "flow." It wound up being one of the bases for the speech and in the article...which has some other fascinating connections as well—not least is a discussion of some of the possible (and awesome) drivers behind why knowledge has evolved from stock to flow.

Definitely worth reading: http://bit.ly/3oJXjn

all the best, C.

Ben Brazil

Hello from one of the drop outs.

Let me add my two cents about why I went from participating to replying to two-month-old posts.

1) I started a Ph.D. program and just didn't have the energy to blog. This is the main reason.

2) Blogs became dominated by comments sections, which were often so nasty that they ruined my day. For a time, Xark was a great forum for debate between people who respected each other. That faded, and I was out.

In my case, social networking media didn't have much to do with it.

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