- Post links to articles and columns from the New York Times, Washington Post, etc..
- Poorly informed conservative friends post comments reciting arguments proposed by Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, etc.
- Respond with facts.
- Poorly informed conservative friends change the subject to other Fox News claims.
- Respond with facts.
- Poorly informed conservative friends respond with speculative ad hominem claims about the personal character and true political intentions of various liberal figures.
- Respond with facts.
- Poorly informed conservative friends get really pissed off.
- Post more articles and links from reputable sources of information.
- Poorly informed and increasingly bitter conservative friends start trolling the resulting comment threads.
- Respond with facts.
- Better-informed friends start taking your trolling conservative friends to task, then message you privately to ask what's wrong with your trolling conservative friends.
- Well-informed conservative friends enter the discussion in an attempt to salvage classic conservative principles from the trolling conservatives' nonsense, making limited, rational and interesting points.
- Trolling conservative friends blow right past such attempts at intelligent discourse to argue things your well-informed conservative friends never said or implied.
- Well-informed conservative friends retreat to the sidelines.
- Trolling conservative friends, now besieged by your better-informed friends, begin complaining about being treated unfairly by mean and uncivil liberals.
- Respond with facts.
- Trolling conservative friends unfriend you after making a martyred and melodramatic exit speech, then retreat to the outraged comfort of their partisan echo chamber.
- Other friends, lurking on these conversations, form conclusions.
- Lather, rinse, repeat.
Works a lot better when #1 is conservative FB friend posts something from Fox News, etc. Other conservative FB friends of friends join in, but facts win eventually.
After a few times, conservative FB friend doesn't share so much. :-)
Doesn't work as well if FB friend is Giant fan and you're a Patriot fan, but hey, scoreboard!
Posted by: Stephen Stein | Monday, February 13, 2012 at 20:54
Wonder if your prescription works for this fount of reason:
Quality stuff from the enlightened side of the progressive family.
Posted by: Addison Ingle | Monday, February 27, 2012 at 06:12
My suggestion to everyone on my side of the aisle, such as it is, is to stick to reported information. What on earth is the point of a pathetic screed like that?
Posted by: Dan | Monday, February 27, 2012 at 08:58