Last weekend, my Bonnie and I were playing Taboo with another couple and their nine year old son. For those who haven’t played it, Taboo works like this: one member of a team draws a card and on that card, there is a word you’re trying to make your teammates say out loud plus five words that you cannot use to help them. For example, if the word is “James Bond,” you couldn’t use clues like “007”, “Sean Connery” “Roger Moore,” and so forth.
During one round, we had all the males on one team, and I was drawing cards, attempting to get my friend Trey and his nine year old son to guess. When I drew the word “Steroids,” I immediately said, “Barry Bonds.” Within a half second, both Trey and his son shouted their first guesses. Trey was wrong with his guess of “home runs.” But his nine year old son, who will be thinking about Barry Bonds long after Trey and I are put out to pasture . . . well. . . he guessed the word correctly.
Think about it: a nine year old kid hears “Barry Bonds,” and the word that immediately comes to his mind is “Steroids.”
Say it ain’t so, Joe.
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