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March 30, 2010


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Nancy Watterson

Nice piece.
Particularly the 'fashion over 40' thing. The younger ladies can go on their way with no appreciation for subtlety- the younger, less-wise guys like it...

Djuanna Brockington

Love this. I'm home sick, and it's the first time I've had a chance to actually play on the 'net in weeks- and you are back. Yay!

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About xG

  • About xarkGirl
    A companion site to xark, same principles, more estrogen.

xarkGirl: Newspaper Design

  • XmasGiftsCover02
    I've done a lot of jobs in my 27-year newspaper career, and one thing I truly loved the challenge and creativty of graphic design. I haven't done daily page design in years, unless you count my exile on the night desk in 2008, but I wanted to share some of my favorites from the good old days. Most of these pages are from 2002-2004. I hope you get a kick out of them!
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